2018年1月10日 星期三


Research Interest:

Recently, the gene expression profiles of stem cells in the lineage stages have been studied by whole genome amplification (WGA) or microarray analysis. Especially in the Embryonic Stem Cell (ESC), the pluripotent cells, has the ability to differentiate into all the derivatives of progenitor cells including the three germ layers. To further comprehend the mechanism of signaling pathways or specific markers under what switches among lineage stages, we can more easily manipulate the individual cell level to induce or reverse it, just known as the iPS. Base on the experimental and bioinformatics analysis, a lot of databases (StemDB, Stem BANCC, Euro-StemCell etc.) are established by collecting this big data for mining the responsive gene expression as a novel and specific biomarker, not only the Oct4, Sox2, Nanog, and need more other surface biomarkers. So one of my interest is to explore that 
     1. Which specific factors can affect the signal pathway for stem cell differention>
      2. Which specific biomarker can be expressed in the distinct progenitor cell type?
    To address this issue, how to combine the experimental and bioinformatics field to predict the new biomarkers or key connectors are still a challenge task. This critical study not only find the comprehensive analysis of gene expression, but also can be applied to tissue engineering in the regenerative medicine for clinical application, such as neural disorder or dementia. My previous work was similar to this related research that injected the neural stem cell to repair the brain injury area.

More than, if once “Single” stem cell can be isolated, subsequent expansion and manipulation in cell culture and experiments could provide the appropriate more information for the differentiation of various cell types. Thus according to this related issue, the multiple points of cell divergence between the differentiated and un-differentiated stage is the top topics to reveal the hidden secrets for stem cell signaling pathway. This prospective progress can also provide in the drug discovery and development of cell-based therapies to treat disease. Recently, developed CTC isolation techniques has also been applied in this area. Researchers discovered that breast cancer, prostate and colorectal cancers patients with fewer CTCs in their blood. Additional studies have analyzed the genetic mutations that the cells carry, comparing the mutations to those in a primary tumor or correlating the findings to a patient’s disease severity. Taken all together, the signal cell can also learn more about the biology of metastasis through CTC analysis that more explore the pharmacodynamic and predictive biomarker utility of CTCs in the future.

*1. Single-cell genome sequencing: current sztazte of the science,17,175-188,
      Nature Reviews  Genetics,2018

*2. High-Throughput Single-Cell Labeling (Hi-SCL) for RNA-Seq Using Drop-Based
       Microfluidics, May 22, Plos One, 2015. 

*3. Droplet Barcoding for Single-Cell Transcriptomics Applied to Embryonic Stem Cells, 
       May 21; 161(5) :1187-201, Cells, 2015.

*4. Single-cell transcriptomics enters the age of mass production. 
      May 21;58 (4) :563-4, Mol Cell, 2015.

*5. Circulating tumor cells, March 26, vol. 110 no. 13, PNAS, 2013.

*6. Circulating Tumor Cells, Advances in Basic Science and Clinical Applications, Richard 
      J. Cote and Ram H. Datar, Book, 2

2018年1月8日 星期一



Harvey M. Santos, Ching-Yi Tsai, Kenth Roger A. Maquiling, Lemmuel L. Tayo, Abdul R. Mariatulqabtiah, Chi-Wen Lee, Kuo Pin Chuang, Diagnosis and potential treatments for acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (AHPND): a review, 2019.(IF: 1.455, Rank:32/52)

Chiz-Tzung Chang, Yun-Ping Lim, Chi-Wen Lee, Hsin-Yi Liao, Feng-Yu Chen, Chia-Ming Chang, Feng-Yao Tang, Chao-Yuh Yang, Chao-Jung Chen, PON-1 carbamylation is enhanced in HDL of uremia patients, Journal of food and drug analysis, 2018. (IF: 4.176, Rank:49/267)

Chih-Min Chang, Yu-Wen Huang, Chi-Wen Lee, Tsun-Tsao Huang, Chung-Shiuan Shih, Jenn-Kang Hwang, Sequence Conservation, Radial Distance and Packing Density in Spherical Viral Capsids, PLOS one, July 1, 2015. (IF: 3.234, Rank: 9/57)

Huang TT, Hwang JK, Chen CH, Chu CS, Lee CW, Chen CC, (PS)2: Protein Structure Prediction Server Version 3.0, Nucleic Acids Research, May 5, 2015. (IF: 9.112, Rank: 20/290)

Huang YW, Chang CM, Lee CW, Hwang JK, The conservation profile of a protein bears the imprint of the molecule that is evolutionarily coupled to the protein, Proteins, July 14, 2015. (IF: 2.627, Rank: 148/290)

Chi-Wen Lee, Hsiu-Jung Wang, Jenn-Kang Hwang, Ching-Ping Tseng, Protein Thermal Stability Enhancement by Designing Salt Bridges: A Combined Computational and Experimental Study, PLOS one, November 13, 2014. (IF: 3.234, Rank: 9/57)

Pan HC, Cheng FC, Chen CJ, Lai SZ, Lee CW, Yang DY, Chang MH, Ho SP, Post-injury regeneration in rat sciatic nerve facilitated by neurotrophic factors secreted by amniotic fluid mesenchymal stem cells, J Clin Neurosci. November 14, 2007. (IF: 1.378, Rank: 150/192)

Yeou-Chih Wang, Fu-Chou Cheng, Hung-Chuan Pan, Chi-Wen Lee, Simultaneously monitoring cerebral blood flow, glucose, pyruvate, lactate and glutamate in gerbils subjected to traumatic brain injury: A microdialysis study. Journal of Neurotrauma, June 2006. Conference: 24th Annual National-Neurotrauma-Society Symposium, Volume: 23. Conference Paper.

Yang DY, Tsai TH, Cheng CH, Lee CW, Chen SH, Cheng FC, Simultaneous monitoring of extracellular glucose, pyruvate, lactate and glutamate in gerbil cortex during focal cerebral ischemia by dual probe microdialysis. J Chromatogr A. April 13, 2001. (IF: 4.169, Rank: 15/79)

Cheng FC, Yang LL, Yan DY, Tsai TH, Lee CW, Chen SH, Monitoring of extracellular pyruvate, lactate, and ascorbic acid during cerebral ischemia: a microdialysis study in awake gerbils. J Chromatogr A. Feburary 18, 2000. (IF: 4.169, Rank: 15/79)

Ming-Shih Lee, Dar-Yu Yang, Lin-Lan Yang, Chi-Wen Lee, Yea-Jiuan Liang, and Fu-Chou Cheng, Systemic administration of EGb761 protects against cerebral ischemia-induced energy depletion in gerbils: A microdialysis study, J. Biomed. Lab. Science, December 3, 2000.  

2018年1月3日 星期三


獸醫技術人員與助理之營養與疾病照護 第二版 (2018 年 12 月出版) 
Nutrition and Disease Management for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses, 
second edition  

審閱: 李啟文、李繼忠、凃潔明、戴庶 譯者與編輯:羅億禎

2018年1月2日 星期二


自   傳 
   1. 校外 - 竹南養豬科學研究所(動科所)
   2. 校內 - 專討題目為
      (1) 禽病黴漿菌 (Mycoplasma) 的檢測與鑑定
      (2) 宜蘭白鴨電子顯微鏡(SEM) 之圖譜建立。
      (3) 雞之哈氏腺 (Harderian's gland) 的病理與免疫探討。

 1. Seizure-prone沙鼠腦部液體撞擊模組(Fluid percussion injury, FPI)的初步建立
 2. 藉由微透析(Microdialysis)分析腦部撞擊前後能量與神經傳導物質的量化改變
 3. 幹細胞(NSC、MSC、Amniotic fluid stem cell)之培養與誘導
 4. 動物活體之幹細胞移植治療與行為恢復模式之評估
 5. 冷凍病理切片 ICH 染色與細胞 Flow cytometry 之分析
在台中榮總服務這段期間,本單位在陳甫州博士大力推動之下,成立了幹細胞研究中心,主要的合作與交流對象有:花蓮慈濟林欣榮院長骨髓幹細胞的分離,新竹食工所黃孝民博士羊水幹細胞的純化與誘導,台中李茂盛醫師胚胎幹細胞的合作,以及個人研究開發如何從老鼠胚胎 (E14~15) 腦組織裡培養神經幹細胞等。這些不同類型的幹細胞來源,分別應用在動物腦部中風、腦部撞擊、SAMP8老化鼠與坐骨神經等不同受傷區域部位之治療,並探討癒後行為模式的改善與評估!

因個人對電腦程式領域熱愛程度不減,在交通大學生科學系中興大學獸醫學系博士班,優先選擇了前者,希望藉由學習生物資訊 (Bioinformatics) 的方式擴展多元化的角度視野,欲培養「第三個專業領域」。在交大指導教授黃鎮剛老師的引導下,主要研究的題目是藉由大數據分析蛋白質結構資料庫(共收集了6,493 X-ray PDB),並依照其結構特徵(features)歸類成不同的氨基酸、二級結構配對、Cα-Cα 距離與角度等矩陣權重,首度發展出一套可以預測點突變後,形成鹽橋 Salt-bridge 來穩定蛋白質結構,並增加在高溫下的熱穩定性。同時,更同步藉由實驗的結果來驗證程式預測的可行性,對於相關酵素在未來食品發酵工程上的應用有莫大幫助。其他在學期間相關探討的項目有:
 1. 耐高溫抗熱蛋白(Thermostability protein) 3D結構的研究與分析
 2. 預測蛋白質可形成Salt-bridge之突變點位置來增加蛋白質熱穩定性
 3. 蛋白質Packing density特性在virus capsid和protein modeling的應用
 4. 鋅蛋白zinc finger的Docking配接進核位置的探討
 5. 利用能量模擬計算單點或多點位置的能量(ΔG)變化

在博士班畢業前後,個人已專心致力於業界的外商工作,專責於國外義大利原廠“單一細胞分離 (DepArray)”的相關技術,並深刻瞭解其單一細胞獨特基因表現的重要性,並可經由WGA & WTA等生物技術,分析其單一細胞在不同分化階段的表現差異性。而這“單一細胞分離”也同時被 Nature Method 期刊選定為2013年度最佳技術,尤其應用在 iPS 幹細胞與 CTC 腫瘤循環細胞更是有突破性發展!同時,個人因擔任亞洲區原廠技術經理一職後,除了持續兩年到義大利原廠經嚴格訓練一週外從單一細胞配備培養,到機器如何組裝與校正等問題,都必須通過原廠認證結業證書此後,專責於亞洲區機器安裝設定與核心技術的拓展,分別支援了日本京都大學天津中國醫學科學院血液病醫院新加坡 Menarini 藥廠合作中心以及台灣的客戶群等,深刻瞭解在不同的臨床單位與研究領域的需求。欲培養第四個專業領域」。


2018年1月1日 星期一


李啟文 / Li, Chi Wen,  PhD/DVM

亞洲大學學士後獸醫 , 助理教授 2019.08 ~

碩士:中⼭醫學大學 ⽣化暨⽣物科技研究所

林茂勇博士:禽病室 (Mycoplasma 分析與鑑定)
陳瑞雄老師:電子顯微鏡室 (專討:宜蘭白鴨電顯圖之建立)
張聰洲老師:病理室 (家禽雞類哈氏腺之病理探討)
陳甫州博士:台中榮總醫研部幹細胞中心 (碩士指導教授)
黃鎮剛博士:蛋白質結構生物資訊室 (博士指導教授)

台北/台中, 動物醫院臨床獸醫師 1997~ 2000 年
台中榮總, 醫研部幹細胞中⼼研究助理 1999 ~ 2006 年
台北, 生物科技公司技術經理(義大利原廠技術部門) 2013 ~ 2016 年

弘光科技大學, 講師 2005 年
中央研究院生化所, 博士後研究 2017 年
弘光科技大學動物保健, 助理教授 2017 ~ 2019 年

獸醫學系徐量基金會獎學⾦ 1990 ~1991年
獸醫學系修業成績第⼆名畢業 1993 年
國家高考專職獸醫師證照 1993 年
千禧年優秀論⽂文獎 2000 年
交通大學跨領域⽣物科技獎 2012 年

1. 生化營養學、 獸醫藥理學、 獸醫學概論、 獸醫皮膚病學、 生物資訊學
2. 實驗動物模組開發(如腦部中風與外傷撞擊之動物模式)
3. 幹細胞培養、分化與移植 (NSC, MSC, AF-MSC)
4. 生物資訊程式撰寫與模組預測應⽤ (Perl, Python, Application)
5. 電腦維修與架構系統設定 (Mac, Linux)

實驗動物照護及使用擔任 IACUC 委員

